Monday 28. May 2018


Elana Shapira
Elana Shapira

Elana Shapira


Elana Shapira is a cultural and design historian. She is the Project Leader of the Austrian Science Fund research project “Visionary Vienna: Design and Society 1918–1934” (2017-2021) and lecturer in Design History and Theory at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Shapira is the author of the book Style and Seduction: Jewish Patrons, Architecture and Design in Fin de Siècle Vienna (2016), editor of the anthology Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism (2018), and coeditor of Émigré Cultures in Design and Architecture (2017). She has curated and convened the International Symposium “Émigré Design Culture” (University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2015), organized the International Symposium “Design Dialogue” (MAK-Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, 2016), co-organized together with Daniela Finzi the Symposium “Freud and the Émigré” (Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna, 2018) and was the organizer of the Symposium “Designing Transformation: Jews and Cultural Identity in Central European Modernism” (University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2019).


Campus of the University of Vienna

Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16

1090 Vienna | Austria


Phone: +43-1-42 77-24-131



univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies
The Discovery of Modernity - Vienna Around 1900

January 31 - February 14, 2020

Vienna | Austria



Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria