Monday 28. May 2018

language selection:


Welcome to the Language Center of the University of Vienna!


Everybody aged 16 and over is welcome to attend our courses.

Please find below information regarding our German Courses.

For other language courses, please click here.



Overview of the academic year 2015-2016

October 2015 - September 2016


All dates of the academic year 2015-2016 at a glance.

Sonderkurse/Special courses

Special courses February - March 2016

Courses start February 9, 2016

Registration still possible!


We offer courses of 3 weeks and 6 weeks.

February intensive course 2016

February 8 -26, 2016

Registration still possible!


The course comprises 20 teaching units per week (1 unit = 45 minutes).

Semester courses 2015-2016

Next courses from March 7 - June 24, 2016

Registration still open!


The semester courses comprise 15 teaching units per week (1 unit = 45 minutes).


Non-degree program students (participants of the University Preparation Program of the Vienna Universities VWU) with a notice of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology or the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, are required to register exclusively for the semester courses.

Trimester courses 2015-2016

April 11 - June 17, 2016

Registration starts March 17, 2016


The trimester courses comprise 6 or 12 teaching units per week (1 teaching unit = 45 minutes).


Austrian German Diploma: April 16 and 23, 2016

(ÖSD, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom)


The registration for the Austrian German Diploma (Grundstufe Deutsch A2, Zertifikat Deutsch B1, Mittelstufe Deutsch B2, Oberstufe Deutsch C1, Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch C2) takes place at our office. Please note that a photo identification is mandatory.

Registration period: February 22 - March 22, 2016





Summer intensive courses 2016

July, August and September

Registration open now!


In July, August and September, we offer German courses in 11 different phases. The courses take place Monday through Friday, in the morning and cover one course phase.


Our summer course program is complemented by a wide range of optional excursions and leisure activities. We are also happy to arrange accommodation for you in conveniently situated student housing.


"We were here!" - summer 2015

July, August and September 2015


Here you can find some impressions of our summer intensive courses 2015:

Kursstufen/course levels

Course phases + CEFR levels

The language courses offered by the German courses of the University of Vienna are based on the levels for language proficiency described in the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages". The evaluation criteria specified in the checklists can be used for the purpose of self-assessment and as a guide while studying.

>> Phases, levels and checklists

© German Courses of the University of Vienna
1090 Wien, Alser Straße 4, Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 1, Zugang 1.16