Monday 28. May 2018



The Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAut) grants one full scholarship for participation in the two week summer program of the Austrian Arbitration Academy from July 13 to July 27, 2019.

The scholarship covers registration, tuition, teaching material, accommodation on campus (according to availability in a single or double room), full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and the offered culture and sport program.

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. In order to be considered for a scholarship, students must demonstrate their financial need by describing their financial situation and submitting related documents.


Scholarship Application Requirements

The application deadline for scholarship applications is February 28, 2019. Applications must have reached the office of the Sommerhochschule by this date.

The scholarship is granted for participation in the two-week Arbitration program.


Scholarship Application Material

Students applying for a scholarship have to submit the same material as regular applicants. Please refer to the application material number 1-4. Scholarship applicants do not have to submit a deposit.

In addition to the application material listed, scholarship applications have to include suitable documents demonstrating the applicant’s financial need.


Scholarship applicants have to provide the following documents:


1. Proof of the applicant’s monthly net income: Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year.


2. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s parents (if the applicant is under 30): Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant’s parents, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year. If the applicant is over 30 no proof of the parent’s income has to be provided.


3. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s partner or spouse (if the applicant is living in the same household): Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant’s partner, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year. If the applicant is not living in the same household with the partner, no proof of the partner’s income has to be provided.


4. Proof of any other existing financial support (e.g. scholarship, state support): Documents stating the kind of support, the amount granted and the period for which it is granted.


Documents can be accompanied by an explanation if necessary. All supporting documents have to be submitted in English or German or with a certified translation into English or German.

Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria