Monday 28. May 2018



Natasa Rupcic

Associate Professor at the University of Rijeka


"Remembering dearly my friends of the University of Vienna Summer School 2000 in Strobl, Austria and a wonderful time I spend there enjoying academic discussions, multicultural environment and some of the most inspiring young people I have ever met!"


Natasa Rupcic, Croatia

Strobl Alumna 2000

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Remembering the wonderful time I had with my friends in Strobl in 2000! Stroblers of 2000 Looking fine
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Strobl girls of 2000 Enjoying the nice weather and having a wonderful time in Strobl. Having a break between classes
Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria