A Unique Experience - to be Preserved for Future Generations
On the evening of June 1st, 2017 around 40 friends of the Sommerhochschule got together in the Friends’ Lounge at the Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) in Vienna for the fundraising event “Save the Boathouse“.
Since the early years of the Sommerhochschule the boat house at the shore of Lake Wolfgang has been a meeting point for participants. It offers a place to relax after studying and the opportunity to get to know one another. The boat house is a vital part for one of the main objectives of the summer school: bringing people from all over the world together for an intercultural social exchange.
Used and enjoyed by generations of students, the boat house is currently in urgent need of repair. A reason for the Friends of the Sommerhochschule to organize a fundraising event.
The evening with the motto AT THE WATER – EROS AND AGAPE started with a reception in the Friends Lounge of the KHM. A keynote speech given by the President of the Friends of the Sommerhochschule and Vice Governor of the Austrian National Bank, Mag. Andreas Ittner, was followed by an address of welcome given by the Director of the Sommerhochschule, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz-Stefan Meissel, and the CEO of the museum, Dr. Paul Frey.
After refreshments guests were given an exclusive tour of the KHM by Mag. Daniel Uchtmann, focusing on pictures related to the evening’s motto: at the water.
One of the highlights of the evening was a live auction implemented by the KHM CEO Dr. Paul Frey, where the guests were given the opportunity to purchase a replica of the painting “Venetian Post Barque” by Giandomenico Tiepolo.
The funds raised from the event will be used to finance the long due restoration of the boat house in order to ensure the continuity of the boat house for future generations of students. Thanks to the guests at the event, SHS-Alumni and the Friends of the Sommerhochschule € 2,760 were raised to contribute to the ongoing renovation.
In order to cover the restoration costs the Friends of the Sommerhochschule depend on additional funding. Alumni and Friends of the Sommerhochschule donating € 500, € 1,000 or € 3,000 will be listed as Boat House Builders on a memorial board at the boat house. All donations are greatly appreciated.
The "Save the Boat House 2017" project can be supported with a donation to the account of the association “Friends of the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna”
IBAN: AT85 1200 0109 1133 2800, BIC: BKAUATWW