Monday 28. May 2018


Judith Kohlenberger (© Sandrino Weghofer)
Judith Kohlenberger (© Sandrino Weghofer)

Judith Kohlenberger


Research Scientist at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU); PhD in Philosophy (with a specialization in English and American Studies) from the University of Vienna; multi-disciplinary background in cultural studies, with a focus on Science-Technology-Society (STS) and politics of representation; works on the Displaced Persons in Austria Survey (DiPAS), which examines the human capital, educational attainment, and values of forced migrants in Austria; coordinates the interdisciplinary MSc program “Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy” (SEEP) at WU and teaches at the University of Vienna; serves on the committee of the Refugee Outreach and Research Network (ror-n) and as Young Science Ambassador at the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (OeAD).

Her recently published monograph The New Formula For Cool: Science, Technology, and the Popular in the American Imagination (transcript 2015) explores legitimation discourses of technoscience in American popular culture.

Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria