Program Overview
The univie: summer school 2019 takes place from July 13 to August 10, 2019.
On Saturday evening, July 13, an orientation session given by the Program Coordinator will introduce the participants
to the program and the campus. Students are advised to arrive before 7:00pm that day.
On Sunday morning, July 14, the official Opening Ceremony will take place on the campus in the Bürglsaal.
Attendance of the Opening Ceremony is mandatory.
Students enrolling in German language courses will be given a placement test that afternoon. Afterwards the faculty will briefly introduce their courses
in order to help students decide which courses to take.
In the evening a welcome party will give students the opportunity to meet informally with faculty and staff.
On Saturday August 10, a Closing
Ceremony will formally end the 2019 Session.
Attendance of the Closing Ceremony, which will officially end around 12 noon that day, is mandatory. Students should make their travel
arrangements accordingly.
Casual wear will suffice for most activities. Students are, however, requested to have suitable attire for formal occasions like the Opening Ceremony, the
Closing Ceremony, and the Midsummer Night’s Ball. Dark suits for men and evening or cocktail dresses for ladies are highly recommended.
Rain wear, warm clothes and sturdy shoes
are strongly recommended, particularly for participation on hikes. (Students who do not bring hiking boots cannot participate in the mountain hikes.)
Since participants traditionally come from over 30 different nations, students are encouraged to bring with them information about their home countries (e. g. photographs, music, etc.) in order to promote
international understanding. Likewise, particularly in view of extracurricular activities such as folk dancing and students’ performances on the final evening, it might be fun for students to bring along their
national costumes or other relevant utensils.