The on-campus office of the Sommerhochschule is at students's service Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. The Sommerhochschule staff is available for questions and support.
Located in the office is a basic library where students can select books and readers with the assistance of staff. All readers and copies needed for the courses will be provided by the Sommerhochschule without additional costs. Books, readers and texts for reading assignments will be available in the office free of charge.
A study room is available for students to study alone or in groups.
Copying machines are provided on campus.
Computer Facilities
Students have free use of the computer facilities available on campus. All computers provide a wide range of software and have connected access to the internet, electronic mail and printing facilities.
It is recommended to bring one's own laptop for homework assignments and an USB-stick for data transfer. Wireless internet access is available for free on campus.
Telephone calls can be made at the students' expense from the rooms or from one of the telephone-booths on campus. Students can also be reached via telephone in their rooms.
Students can receive letters and parcels under their name at the address of the summer campus of the Sommerhochschule during the period of the International Summer Program.
Mail should be addressed to:
Student's Name
Bürglstein 1
A-5350 Strobl
Laundry service will be available for € 17 per load. Drying rooms as well as irons will be provided for students.
Medical Treatment
Students must provide their own medical insurance. A local general practitioner will provide medical care in minor cases, for medical emergencies a nearby hospital is available. Every appointment with the doctor or the hospital has to be paid for by the students themselves in cash. Upon arrival at home students can retrieve the sum with the invoice from the doctor/hospital from their insurance companies.