Alexandra Pölzlbauer
Dr., MA (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Mag. phil. (University of Vienna, Austria); studied German, German as a Foreign Language, English and History; research areas: Globalization, Migration & Transcultural Exchange, Newer Austrian and German Literature/Film; currently she is teaching in the Austria-Illinois Exchange Program of the Vienna University of Economic and Business Administration, at Webster Vienna Private University and in the Centre for International Education & Mobility (CIEM) at the Fachhochschule Wien.
Selected Publications: Im Deutschunterricht hamma Deutsch? Vom Chancenreichtum im mehrsprachigen Klassenzimmer. In: Becker, S. H. and Schöneberger, S. (Hrsg.) Deutsch 5-10, Heft 23 (2010); Public Attitudes towards the EU: Anti-, Pro-, or No-? In: EUC Blog, European Union Center at the University of Illinois (2011); Fünf Beispiele zur Diskussion der ‚Andersartigkeitʻ im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht. In: ÖDaF-Mitteilungen, Heft 1 (2013).