Monday 28. May 2018


Andrea Lenschow
Andrea Lenschow

Andrea Lenschow


Professor of European Integration and Politics at the University of Osnabrück; previously at Salzburg University; Ph.D. in Political Science from New York University (1996); MAs in Political Science and Public Administration (1990/1) from the Pennsylvania State University and Postdocs at the Erasmus University (Rotterdam) and the European University Institute (Florence); working on issues of Governance in the European Union, specialising on aspects of EU environmental policy.


Selected Publications: together with C. Sprungk: The Myth of a Green Europe. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 1/48, (2010); Environmental Policy. In: H. Wallace, M. Pollack and A. Young eds.: Policy Making in the European Union (2014); together with H. Jörgens and D. Liefferink eds.: Understanding Environmental Policy Convergence. The Power of Words, Rules and Money (2014); Horizontal policy coherence starts with problem definition! Unpacking the EU integrated energy-climate approach. in:

Environmental Policy and Governance (Special issue): Understanding coherence between policy spheres: The interplay between EU energy and climate policies (forthcoming).

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