Monday 28. May 2018


Claudia Kwapil
Claudia Kwapil

Claudia Kwapil


Studied economics in Vienna (Mag.a from the University of Vienna, 1997) and in London (MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science, 2002) and finished her PhD at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna in 2011; works as monetary economist at the Economic Analysis Division of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank of Austria); her fields of interest include monetary policy transmission, monetary policy implementation and nominal rigidities (rigid interest rates, rigid wages, rigid prices).


Selected Publications: together with Fabiani S. et al.: Wage Rigidities and Labor Market Adjustment in Europe, In: Journal of the European Economic Association, 8 (2010); together with Bertola G. et al.: Price, Wage and Employment Response to Shocks: Evidence from the WDN Survey, In: Labour Economics, 19(5) (2012); together with Scharler J.:Expected Monetary Policy and the Dynamics of Bank Lending Rates, In: International Review of Economics and Finance, 27 (2013); together with Hahn F. et al.: The Credit Channel and the Role of Monetary Policy Before, During and After the Global Financial Crisis, WIFO Working Papers (2016).


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