Monday 28. May 2018


Sylvia Kritzinger
Sylvia Kritzinger

Sylvia Kritzinger


Professor of Social Science Research Methods at the Department of Government (University of Vienna); Deputy Director of the Research Centre “Vienna Centre for Electoral Research – VieCER”; Co-Principal Investigator of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) and the Austrian Cooperative Infrastructure for Electoral Research (ACIER); Project Director of the Platform of Surveys, Methods and Analysis (PUMA);  former Assistant Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS-Vienna); former Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin.


Selected Publications: together with W. Lutz and V. Skirbekk: The Demography of Growing European Identity (2006); together with M. Wagner and D. Johann: Voting at 16: Turnout and the Quality of Vote Choice (2012); together with E. Zeglovits, M S. Lewis-Beck and R. Nadeau: The Austrian Voter (2013); together with J. Aichholzer, M. Wagner and E. Zeglovits: How has radical right support transformed established political conflicts? The case of Austria (2013); together with S.A. Banducci and H. Giebler: Knowing More from Less: How the Information Environment Increases Knowledge of Party Positions (2015); together with H. Boomgaarden and D. Johann: Voting at National versus European Elections: An individual level test of the second order paradigm for the 2014 European Parliament Elections (2016); together with D. Johann, K. Kleinen-von Königslöw and K. Thomas: Intra-Campaign Changes in Voting Preferences: The Impact of Media and Party Communication (2017); together with C. Plescia: Retrospective voting and party support at elections: credit and blame for government and opposition (2017).


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