Monday 28. May 2018


Christine Neuhold
Christine Neuhold

Christine Neuhold


Chair of the Political Science Department, Maastricht University (UM), Academic Director of the UM Campus Brussels; Professor of EU Democratic Governance at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UM; Visiting Lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna and Visiting Scholar at the University of California (March-May 2011); Doctoral Degree in Political Science from the University of Vienna (2000); her research focuses on accountability in networked systems of governance.


Selected publications: together with Auel, K.: Multi-Arena Players in the Making? Conceptualising the role of national parliaments since the Lisbon Treaty, Journal of European Public Policy (2016); together with Dobbels, M.: Paper-keepers or policy shapers? The role of unelected officials in the European Parliament, in: Comparative European Politics, 13:5, pp 577–595 (2015).


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