Monday 28. May 2018


Walter Suntinger
Walter Suntinger

Walter Suntinger


Current/former lecturer, University of Vienna, Johns Hopkins University – Bologna Center, University of Oregon (study abroad program in Vienna), the European Peace University in Stadschlaining; free-lance human rights consultant and trainer; Managing Partner in HumanRightsConsulting Vienna; consultancies in the fields of: human rights training, monitoring, implementation of human rights approaches in development and business on behalf of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the UN, UNDP, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OMV AG, and Amnesty International; member of the Human Rights Advisory Board to the Austrian Ministry of the Interior; board member of the Association for the Prevention of Torture.


Selected Publications: Alle Menschenrechte für alle. Informationen zu Menschenrechten und Menschenrechtsbildung (together w. Barbara Weber 1999); academic co-author of Amnesty International, Combating Torture, A Manual for Action (2003); Menschenrechte und Polizei, Handbuch für TrainerInnen (2005).

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