Monday 28. May 2018



ECTS Credits/Contact Hours

The Winter School offers six courses with 4 ECTS credits per course (corresponding to 32 contact hours). Each contact hour consists of 45 minutes classroom teaching.

In the course of the two week program students can attend two courses and obtain up to 8 ECTS credits.



Exams/Grading System

Final examinations are given in all courses. Courses are graded using the Austrian grading system: 1 (Sehr gut/very good); 2 (Gut/good); 3 (Befriedigend/satisfactory); 4 (Genügend/sufficient); 5 (Nicht genügend/failed). The grade points given in the transcript provide an opportunity to differentiate performance within each of the stated grades.


Grade and grade points are as follows:


Austrian Grade Grade Points

89 –100

2 76 – 88
3 63 – 75
4 51 – 62

0– 50











Transcripts of Record will be given to those students who attend classes regularly and who pass the exams in the required number of courses.


The Sommerhochschule reserves the right to exclude students from the program in case of improper behavior.


University of Vienna



Arcades in the main yard of the university

Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria