Monday 28. May 2018




Application deadline is November 30, 2019.


Applicants have to submit the following documents:

1. Application form 2020

2. CV

3. Short statement of purpose

4. Transfer of program fee € 600,--


Application material must be sent to the following address:


Participants are selected based on their submitted application material and background. In case an applicant is denied admission to the program the program fee will be refunded.




The fee of the Austrian Arbitration Academy Winter Program - Arbitration Rules in Practice in cooperation with SHS, VIAC, YAAP and ArbAut amounts to € 600 which includes registration, tuition, lunch & coffee breaks, dinner at a “Heurigen” (traditional Austrian restaurant) on Wednesday as well as the registration fee for the Vienna Arbitration Days (excluding conference dinner and ball).

Fees should be transferred until November 30, 2019 to:

Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH –


Bank: Bank Austria

Account number: 00282240100

Bank code: 11000


IBAN: AT57 1100 0002 8224 0100


The applicant's full name (first name and surname) has to be stated as "reason for transfer" or "reason for payment". All charges in connection with the payment must be borne by the participant. In some cases charges can be incurred both in your home country and in Austria.


Participants who need a hotel can book hotel rooms at special rates under this link:

Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria