ECTS Credits/Contact Hours
Since the University of Vienna presumes an annual workload of 1500 hours for students and the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) one of 60 credits, 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours work at the University of Vienna.
The allocation of the ECTS credits to the Sommerhochschule courses is based on the amount of work necessary for a course. The relation between hours in class and additional hours of work outside of class is approximately 3:7. One 30-credithour-course therefore amounts to a total of 100 hours of work (30 hours class attendance and 70 hours reading and studying). Students from European universities receive a fixed amount of ECTS credits per graded course. The Sommerhochschule grants 4 ECTS credits for each course out of the European Studies section and 6 ECTS credits per German language course.
The offered courses have the following contact hours:
European Studies courses = 32 contact hours
German courses = 64 contact hours
Each contact hour represents 45 minutes lecture time.
Students from US universities should expect to earn approximately 2 credits for each European Studies course and up to 12 credits for the German language courses.
Students who plan to proceed to study at the Diplomatic Academy (DA) of Vienna can use ECTS credits received at the Sommerhochschule to fulfill the admission requirements of the M.A.I.S. (Master of Advanced International Studies) program. Any ECTS credits earned will count towards the DA general credit requirements (60 post-graduate credits). Courses taken in the fields of History, Law, Political Science, and International Relations will also count towards the core subject requirements. For more detailed information please contact the DA:
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Favoritenstrasse 15a, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-505 72 72, Fax: -43-1-504 22 65
Exams/Grading System
Final examinations are given in all courses. Courses are graded using the Austrian grading system: 1 (Sehr gut/very good); 2 (Gut/good); 3 (Befriedigend/satisfactory); 4 (Genügend/sufficient); 5 (Nicht genügend/failed). The grade points given in the transcript provide an opportunity to differentiate performance within each of the stated grades.
Grade and grade points are as follows:
Austrian Grade |
Grade Points |
1 |
89 –100
2 |
76 – 88 |
3 |
63 – 75 |
4 |
51 – 62 |
5 |
0– 50
Transcripts of Record will be given to those students who attend classes regularly and who pass the exams in the required number of courses.
Students who successfully attend and complete four courses will receive the SHS Diploma in European Studies.
Those who have a GPA of 1.25 on the basis of Austrian grading for their diploma courses will receive a diploma with highest distinction.
The Sommerhochschule reserves the right to exclude students from the International Summer Program in case of improper behavior.