Monday 28. May 2018


Opening Ceremony of the Sommerhochschule




The Opening Ceremony of the International Summer Program 2012 will be held on Sunday, July 15, 2012. This year’s guest of honor is Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, former secretary of state and EU commissioner.

Due to various positions in the Foreign Service and her successful political career Dr. Ferrero-Waldner has a vast experience in the sphere of foreign politics. In her opening speech she will talk about “The Relations between the EU and Latin America”.


Following her opening speech the Director of the Sommerhochschule, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz-Stefan Meissel, will welcome this year’s 80 participants from

36 nations and the International Summer Program 2012 will officially be opened by Vice Rector Mag. Karl Schwaha.


Alumni and future Stroblers are welcome to attend the Opening Ceremony and share the beginning of the 64th session of the Sommerhochschule.

Location: Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung, Bürglstein 1, 5350 Strobl/St. Wolfgang

Date/Time: Sonntag, der 15. Juli 2012 um 10:30 Uhr

Contact: Mag. Nina Gruber





Campus of the University of Vienna

Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16

1090 Vienna | Austria


Phone: +43-1-42 77-24-131


univie: summer school

for International and European Studies

July 14 - August 11, 2018

Strobl | Austria


European Studies

Austrian Arbitration Academy

& German Language Courses



Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria