Monday 28. May 2018



I will always have very fond memories of Strobl, as I think it was the most enriching summer programme I have ever been too, both educationally and socially and  I am still happy to keep in touch with many participants from my year.

Katarzyna Laskawiec, Poland, 2010


The International Summer Program of the University of Vienna is first and foremost about studying but never confined to it. It is about meeting new people, forming new bounds, opening new opportunities and exploring new directions.
Yevgenia Gaber, Ukraine, 2009


Strobl is a unique place for learning together and from one another about origins, interests and institutions in a relaxed atmosphere of loyalty and equality where all sorts of borders and prejudices fade away, horizons are expanded, common outlook is broadened, new countries and cultures are discovered.
Yevgenia Gaber, Ukraine, 2009


The German language course was a true inspiration for me and in Strobl I actually got an impetus to continue learning the language. The lectures were very good, the group was small so the teacher had the opportunity to teach us almost individually.
Ljubica Djodjevic, Serbia, 2009


The course curriculum was excellent and the faculty was composed of true experts in the relevant fields, who had also a very good teaching skills.
Ljubica Djodjevic, Serbia, 2009


Stimulating, provocative, exciting, the European Studies courses motivate to inquire, discuss, debate, analyze and make decisions, consider all points of view and make your own conclusions. As one professor put it, now we are all “confused but on a higher level” – a result of one-month’s efforts and endeavors that is still more inducing than discouraging to continue working in the same direction.
Yevgenia Gaber, Ukraine, 2009


The SHS aims at providing a broad multidisciplinary and multidimensional overview of the current international system and to giving an incentive for further studying, to become that driving force that will lead its students towards future investigations, more profound and more specialized in research area.
Yevgenia Gaber, Ukraine, 2009


The experience was simply amazing, great academic courses coupled with excellent management and social networking.
Rajiv Dalal, India, 2008


I am grateful for the scholarship I received and for the opportunity to come to Strobl. In a fascinating way it was maybe even the best month in my entire life and made me a better person. Just being there and spending some time with so many young people from different nations was very inspiring, illuminative and instructive. When I first came to Strobl, I thought that we were very much unlike each other but in the end I realized that all our differences can and in fact are supposed to be ignored.
The faculty was brilliant and the teaching methods used very different from what I am accustomed to. The organization was flawless and I will cherish my memories of Strobl as long as I live.

Sanja Hajdinjak, Croatia, 2007


I am thankful towards the Sommerhochschule for making a real difference in my life.
Raluca Radescu, Romania, 2007


I have never met such experienced professors in my life before.
Mirgul Karimova, Kyrgyzstan, 2007


This program is the most wonderful and interesting experience I've ever had in my life. I was impressed by the level of organization, your attention, care, and friendship. Due to the SHS I have a lot of friends all over the world now. I will never forget Strobl and I'll always be happy that I had the opportunity to experience this. It was an unforgettable summer!!!
Olga Gontsa, Ukraine, 2006


Without any doubts it is a great opportunity to combine both: studies and entertainment. The knowledge I received at the Sommerhochschule was really useful and helped me to better understand the European Union structures and functioning. In addition, I built a network of friends throughout the world and learnt a lot about different countries and cultures.
Irina Guban, Moldova, 2004


The program surpassed my expectations in every way; the quality of the courses, the excellent facilities and superb meals, and, of course, all the marvelous excursions and the delightful people made my experience in Strobl absolutely memorable. My four weeks at SHS definitely changed me--it was so great I can't adequately put it into words!
Silvia Li, USA, 2003


Participating in Sommerhochschule was a challenging and rewarding experience. A key element in active learning process was the communication with so many different people. Meeting all those experts and key players in that field was a great experience. With all faculty members at Sommerhochschule I had opportunity to acquire the most advanced knowledge and to develop the necessary skills and attitudes so vital for me in future.
Ivana Premerl, Croatia, 2003


First of all I have to say that the 4 weeks in Strobl were one of the best things I ever did in my life! For me Strobl stands for the perfect mixture of vacation, learning and multicultural exchange. Coming from Austria the landscape there is nothing new for me but the campus next to the lake is really an extraordinary place. Due to the perfect weather we could spend nearly every afternoon on the dock-windsurfing, rowing or just relaxing in the sun. The well-planned trips to St. Wolfgang, Salzburg etc gave us not only the possibility to get to know more about this beautiful region of Austria but also to strengthen the contact with the foreign students. After the 4 weeks I really had the impression to be able to understand the different mentalities better. A few months later I am still in contact with many of the participants of the SHS 2003. This is also a sign of the good atmosphere on the campus. We visit us and take part of our lives in general.
Last but not least the courses: in the year before the Enlargement I found the different approaches to Europe even more challenging. The 4 weeks brought me Europe closer and additionally many new friends!

Clara Bülingen, Austria, 2003


Besides useful knowledge I have found wonderful friends in Strobl!
Kateryna Kryvoshey, Ukraine, 2003


I had an amazing time studying at the Sommerhochschule and will always hold the faculty, staff and students in the highest regard. It was an experience I will never forget and always cherish.
Dara Hrytzak, Canada, 2001


The housing was way beyond my wildest dreams.
Michael Aktipis, USA/Greece, 2001


The program brightened up my life, it also gave me a chance to see things in different aspects, to evaluate myself and grow in a lot of aspects. I have to say 1000 thanks for all the people who made the summer school meaningful, I won't forget it during my whole life!
Emily Tsang, China, 1998


I enjoyed the program because I was able to meet people from all over the world. It was an interesting experience for me because I was given the possibility to learn about different cultures.
Margarita Martin-Hidalgo, USA, 1998


Hands down, the most unforgettable four weeks of my life! An enlightening experience! I never thought I could feel so at home so far away.
Amanda Hogan, USA, 1997


The true global experience is the Strobl-experience.
Hyun Sun Yu, Korea, 1997


Strobl is a centre of enlightenment, cultural intersection and self evaluation. It is an ideal place for preparing the human kind for the challenges of globalization of the next millennium!
James Okee Obong, Uganda, 1997


In a world of ever going togetherness, places like Strobl are important to ensure that harmony and not conflict emerges from constant contact. This is only possible by sharing experiences and learning together, such as we do in the International Summer School.
Julian Durazo H., Mexico, 1997


I have never experienced such an intellectually inspiring environment. Complementary to the academic program I was pleasantly surprised by the international and social stimuli.
Philippe Brems, Belgium, 1997


Wonderful people from all over the world, friendships, fun and an excellent academic experience.
Venkat B. Mani, India, 1995


It's exceptional, it's fascinating, it's a learning experience. You get the possibility to view the world from a different perspective, see there actually are no borders...
Sven Koopmans, The Netherlands, 1994


Campus of the University of Vienna

Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16

1090 Vienna | Austria


Phone: +43-1-42 77-24-131


univie: summer school

for International and European Studies

July 14 - August 11, 2018

Strobl | Austria


European Studies

Austrian Arbitration Academy

& German Language Courses



Innovationszentrum Universitaet Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna | Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16 | 1090 Vienna | Austria