This course explores international refugee law and policy in theory and practice. The course provides an introduction to the concepts and causes of refugee flows, the evolution, foundations, and key features and of international refugee law, and explores the refugee situation and asylum systems in a range of countries. The course introduces students to principles of international refugee law, examines international obligations under the Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, and outlines the present laws and policies in relation to asylum seekers.
The discussions, exercises and working-group sessions during the course invite students to critically reflect on the nature and objectives of international refugee law, and understand the rationale of international, regional, and domestic policies in this field. Moreover, the course seeks to improve communication, teamwork, argumentative, presentation, and research skills. The course enhances students’ abilities to research relevant material, critically analyse policy documents and legislation, case studies and scholarly writing, and elaborate practical recommendations for law reform and policy change.
Assessment: seminar exercises and participation (30% of final grade), mid-course examination (20%), group project with oral presentation (50%).