This course covers both the (microeconomic) trade and the (macroeconomic) monetary aspects of international economics with European applications.
In the first part we examine standard trade theories (Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin, Krugman) and explain the gains from trade, the distributional impact of trade (internationally and among groups within countries), and the pattern of trade. The arguments for free trade and for trade restrictions are evaluated and different trade policies are discussed. EU trade policy serves as an example. We also discuss the conflicts between trade creation and trade diversion. Finally, we look into the economics of the internal market of the EU and the economic consequences of migration and factor movements.
The second part opens with a discussion of balance of payments accounting and analyses the determination of exchange rates and the development of international financial markets. Stabilization policies and their impact on output, employment, and prices in different exchange rate regimes are examined in the final part of the course.
In short workshop sessions students will be invited to answer questions and discuss various economic problems in short presentations.
Requirements: The final grade will primarily be based on two short written examinations (together 80%) at the end of each week. Participation in class and at least one presentation in the workshop (20%) are also required.