The Habsburg Monarchy 1815-1918
Powerful Empire or collapsing multi-national giant?
The Habsburg Monarchy – covering until 1918 a good part of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe – is an internationally extensively studied country which serves as a case study for many questions of nationalism, identity and power politics. The study of selected developments in the last century of the Habsburg monarchy will allow a deeper insight into the history of European politics leading to the First World War and its results with a large impact on the identity constructions of many European countries. Discussions about phenomena like Empire, multi-nationalism, national identity, minorities etc. between participants of different countries and cultures will allow comparisons and connect this class to problems of the present.
The course will focus on Central Europe in a broad sense of the term and will cover the following topics:
- The forming of the Habsburg Monarchy
- Territories and economic basis of the Habsburg Monarchy
- Discussion of the Empire-theories
- Was the Habsburg Monarchy a great Power?
- The Habsburg dynasty in the long 19th century (personalities, the court in Vienna, representation)
- Political participation in the Habsburg Monarchy during the long 19th century (constitution, party-system)
- Social problems in the Habsburg Monarchy during the long 19th century
- The nationality problem
- Aspects of culture of the Habsburg Monarchy
Requirements: Attendance and participation in class discussion constitute 20%, a short paper and the presentation of the paper 40% and a written final (essay-type) 40% of the grade.