Traces of European History
Europe’s Way to the 21st Century
Europe of today cannot be understood without the history of the continent we meet in every important question of the present. Especially in the 20th century Europe has undergone a series of dramatic economic, political and cultural changes. The study of some of these developments will allow a deeper insight in the history of European countries and their feeling of identity. Specific problems of Europe and the world of today will be discussed within a historical perspective and in relation to the history and politics of the home countries/nations of the participating students.
The course will focus on Central Europe in a broad sense of the term and will cover the following topics:
- General introduction: What can history contribute to the understanding of the present situation in Europe?
- Survey of data on the European History from the late 19th century to the present. How the map of Europe has changed.
- Economic development in Europe since the Age of Industrialisation.
- Nationalism as a long term problem in Europe. National state versus European unification.
- Different ideologies which influenced and still influence European history (Marxism, Communism, Conservativism, Nationalism, Fascism).
- Changes in daily life (housing, food, beverages, sexuality).
- Technological and scientific progress and its price (ecological questions).
- European culture / cultures – one or many?
- Is there a European identity?
Requirements: Attendance and participation in class discussions constitute 20%, a short paper 30% and a written final (essay-type) 50% of the grade.